Are you looking for a high-quality Tiny House for a reasonable price, with a wow effect? Tiny Europe is happy to help you make your dream come true. This Dutch company works together with Eco Tiny House in Romania, an experienced construction company with an impressive range of Tiny Houses on Wheels.

Finding the best supplier
Jochem Verheul is one of the initiators of Tiny Concepts and With Tinyparks, his team creates small-scale and intimate camping locations with Tiny Houses in the Netherlands. In his search for the best supplier of Tiny Houses, he conducted extensive research into Tiny House companies in the Netherlands, Poland, Hungary and even China. Quality and price were, of course, important starting points. But the construction company also had to be able to deliver quickly and in large volumes, something that is not self-evident in the young market for Tiny Houses on Wheels.
The choice ultimately fell on Eco Tiny Houses in Romania. The company met the requirements and Tiny Europe received the exclusive import license for the Netherlands. To do so, they had to order thirty Tiny Houses right away, a daunting step for a startup. Fortunately, the interest in Tiny Houses in general and in the Tiny Houses of Tiny Europe is already considerable, therefore the young company has gladly taken up this challenge.

Quality and distinctive design
Tiny Europe distinguishes itself by the high-quality finish of their products, the competitive prices and the unique design. Each Tiny House comes with a five-year warranty certificate. Jochem explains: “There are currently three models that our customers can choose from, with prices ranging from € 35.000 to € 48.000 excluding VAT. Complete with bathroom, kitchen, underfloor heating, large windows and solar panels. All models can be adapted to a limited extent to the wishes of the customer. ”
“I personally love the fact that as a company we have chosen to always build the Tiny Houses on a trailer, as Tiny Houses were originally intended. That ideology, the possibility of living in different and unique locations, is what we as a group stand behind 100%. ”
Resistant to real winters
All Tiny Houses from Tiny Europe are timber frame construction and are built with sustainable certified wood from Sweden. In terms of insulation, the customer can choose from standard insulation or natural sheep wool.
Jochem: “We chose sheep wool for the first order of 30 Tiny Houses. In Romania, where the factory is located, it can regularly get below 20 in winter. So they know better than anyone how important it is to be able to keep warm at all times. To be on the safe side, we also had the Tiny Houses assessed by a Dutch structural engineer on matters such as insulation values, but also on (fire) safety. The RC value came to 5.8, a very good result. ”
Model A
The Tiny House Model A is a cozy, attractive and comfortable home of 25 m2 that is fully equipped. Important pillars in the design were quality, durability, warmth and homeliness.
Model B
The Tiny House model B is an attractive, fully equipped small house of 21 m2. The model consists of two lofts and has an extendable sofa. Ideal for visiting family or friends.
Model C
The Tiny House model C has a sleek and modern design, with a beautiful large window on the side as an eye-catcher. This 20 m2 Tiny House is compact and functional and offers more than enough space to accommodate two people including belongings.
Service and warranty that goes the extra mile
Tiny Europe tries to build as sustainably as possible, but considers the factors affordability, maintenance and lifespan just as important. This means making choices to what extent the Tiny Houses are individually adaptable. The company has therefore chosen to work with limited modifications to the models so that deliveries can be made relatively quickly and affordably.
Jochem: “With the current capacity we can deliver six Tiny Houses every month throughout the Netherlands. We provide transport, adjustment and connection of the Tiny Houses on location. We take care of everything so that our customers can relax. The customer also does not have to worry about anything for the first five years: all Tiny Houses that we supply have a five-year warranty certificate on everything. This is unique in the Netherlands. ”

Where can you view the Tiny Houses?
Whether you are buying a Tiny House that was built in the Netherlands or Romania, it is nice to be able to view the work of the builder before purchasing. Tiny Europe offers that possibility.
Jochem: “We now have two models in Drenthe that interested parties can view on appointment. We are also building an indoor showroom location in the Utrecht area. Here, all three models will be displayed indoors and we can discuss the possibilities of floors, cabinets, kitchen, wood types directly with the customer, without having to depend on good weather. ”
You will of course also find the range of Tiny Europe on TinyFindy:
This article was written in collaboration with Tiny Europe.
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